Tuesday, 29 December 2015

2015: A year in review

2015: A year in review


As if it was yesterday when we were cheering and looking towards a year full of promising devices and events to cover. Yet, 12 months passed like nothing, and 2016 is already knocking on our door! But before we say goodbye to 2015 and move on to the bigger, better things that hopefully await us, we're keen on taking one final look back at things, and seeing how the smartphone status quo has changed over 12 months. We'll examine phone manufacturers and wireless carriers' market share and unit sales, operating system market share, and compare leading app stores by number of downloads and revenue. This shall give us a splendid bird's eye view over the mobile industry, a perfect occasion to start waving 2015 goodbye and transition into the next year!

Smartphone manufacturers

Market share

Let's clear up something first – what is market share? Well, it is calculated by taking the sales of a manufacturer for a given time period and dividing that over the total industry sales for the same period. According to the latest report published by the International Data Corporation (IDC), Samsung has successfully reasserted its global domination in 2015, thanks in part to attractive devices and a strive towards more affordable price tags. Apple follows the Android kingpin in the second spot, while Huawei, Xiaomi, and Lenovo (which accounts for Motorola) fill in the next three positions. The “other” category of device makers wields a combined 44.8% worldwide market share.

That aside, the worldwide smartphone market has grown 6.8% year over year in the third quarter of 2015, racking up approximately 355.2 million unit shipments. This result has been influenced by an unprecedented trend of consumers becoming increasingly aware of the alternative buying options while shopping for smartphones. With a surge in early trade-in options and more unlocked/off-contract offerings in mature markets, these factors have turned the $400 to $500 base price into the preferred price range for customers.

In this context, here's a breakdown of the current Top 5 device manufacturers' market share.

Top 5 vendors

Vendor3Q14 Market Share3Q15 Market ShareYoY Change
Lenovo + Moto5.1%5.3%0.2%


After seven straight quarters of revenue decline, Samsung finally managed to post a revenue increase in the third quarter of 2015. Its Galaxy S6 and S6 edge flagship smartphones marked a return to form for its stagnating product line with their impressive design and hardware characteristics, and success did come, even if modest. The price adjustments and timely release of the Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge+ that followed, along with the introduction of the price-conscious Galaxy A series, made a significant contribution towards Samsung's solid 2015 performance. The company is still the single most profitable Android device maker, with most of its competitors barely exercising their bank accounts in comparison.


2015: A year in review
Apple had an awesome year, too! In addition to selling millions of iPhones and turning the Apple Watch into a billion dollar business, and this year Apple became the one that grabs a whopping 95% of smartphone industry profits for itself, while selling less than 20% of all smartphones. The Samsung-Apple duopoly is stronger than it's ever been, although both companies are yet to dominate the thriving Chinese market. Over there, the power is spread between Huawei, Lenovo (with Motorola), and Xiaomi. However, all three have a global presence, even if their mobile devices aren't sold all over the globe. Let's see how their global market share looks by Q3 2015.


2015: A year in review
Huawei enjoyed a crazy 81% third quarter shipment growth, acquiring a 7.5% global market share and whisking away the first spot from Xiaomi (5.2% global share) as China's top smartphone maker by shipments. While smartphones are still its defining product, the ambitious Xiaomi is spreading itself far and wide in the consumer electronics field, its latest forays being a 60-inch TV and an electric scooter. So it seems natural that the company may have lost focus on its smartphone business for a moment, letting Huawei take advantage.


2015: A year in review
Xiaomi is poised for a strong comeback with its Mi 5 flagship phone that's been in the works for a while, shaping up to be among the first devices with the Snapdragon 820 chip. Meanwhile, Huawei is at work on a Mate 8 phablet, which might feature a 6-inch 1440p resolution display and be powered by the Kirin 950, a chipset that's supposed to perform in the ballpark of Samsung and Qualcomm's current top-shelf silicon. If true, that would make for quite the breakthrough, considering Kirin chips so far have reasonably power-efficient, but not really up to speed with 3D graphics.


As for Lenovo, which supercedes Xiaomi with just 0.1% of market share, the Motorola owner enjoyed a 16% year over year growth in the last quarter and made an impressive swing at the US market by foregoing carrier plans and selling its new smartphone models direct to customers, at affordable prices. However, a year and over since the acquisition, Lenovo's mobile business hasn't seen a turnaround and the results so far hit millions of units short of the company's shipment targets.

Now, let's have a quick look at how the so-called 'underdogs' - HTC, LG, Sony, Microsoft, and BlackBerry — are doing by the third quarter of 2015. Mind you, these figures are quite approximate, because due to their market share being in the low single digits, the aforementioned companies aren't really on analysts' radars, often being swept under the collective rug of "others".

"Underdog" vendors

Vendor3Q15 Market Share


2015: A year in review
LG had a “good times, bad times” mixed bag of a year. Although the third quarter saw the company report a 6% global sales increase and a 12% sales increase in North America, revenue fell a depressing 21% from last year. The realities of the Android marketplace and the weakened demand for high-end devices in its South Korean homeland have put LG in a tough position.


2015: A year in review
Sony Mobile's market presence is as confused as its latest flagship smartphones, the Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact, are generally great. Unfortunately, mobile is the only Sony business to sustain operating losses and Xperia handsets remain money sinkers for the company. Sales have fallen 15.2% from the third quarter last year. Still, Sony isn't giving up on smartphones anytime soon, opting to build a new phone factory in Taiwan and to spin off its very successful image sensor division into a separate business.


2015: A year in review
Despite introducing a duo of interesting, powerfully spec'd out Lumia smartphones that run the latest Windows OS, Microsoft's smartphone year isn't one to remember. In July, Redmond wrote off $7.6 billion off its acquisition of Nokia's business. By the third quarter, sales revenue had declined 54% on a yearly basis, with just 5.8 million unit sales. Hopefully, the Lumia 950 and 950 XL will change things around for Microsoft and the Windows platform.


2015: A year in review
HTC began 2015 on a sour note, introducing a flagship smartphone (the One M9) that was too much like its predecessor. As the One M9 failed to meet sales expectations, the company picked up in a different direction and released the HTC One A9 in late October, giving the masses what they seemingly want - an Android iPhone. Before that, HTC posted a 7% revenue decline and losses of $157 million, following a series of barely profitable quarters.


2015: A year in review
And finally, BlackBerry — the BlackSheep of the smartphone market still hasn't regained it's one-time aura of cool, but boy, is it trying hard! The Passport and the Priv are distinct and impressive smartphones in their own right, but the company also seems to have another ambitious device in its pipeline. Alas, BB's situation is that Samsung's Tizen OS, which is barely making the rounds in emerging markets, has gained more market share than BB OS 10. And with just 0.2% of global market share, BlackBerry is still a “boutique” brand for the security and keyboard buffs out there.

Global unit shipments

Even if we don't have fourth quarter data to consider, data from the past three quarters is telling enough of the “who's who” in the smartphone business. Samsung is still the world's largest smartphone maker by shipments, with Apple and Huawei being the company's closest competitors. Notably, Huawei has gained strong momentum on the Chinese market. In the third quarter of 2015, Huawei's Chinese shipments rose 81%, eclipsing rival Xiaomi and setting itself to become the biggest Chinese smartphone maker, being the first to surpass 100 million unit shipments. However, it is not just strong sales in China, but also intense investing in no less than 29 markets outside the Middle Kingdom that helped Huawei's immense growth.

Top 5 vendors

Lenovo + Moto18.8m16.2m18.8m53.8m

Out of the second-tier smartphone manufacturers, LG is the one performing most adequately. Thanks to smart pricing and sensible sales targets, LG manages to make the most of its innovative smartphones' market presence. However, the company does struggle to achieve growth in its key markets, and it's merely breaking even with its smartphones. Meanwhile, its competitors are unable to turn a profit at all, hence they are busy exploring new areas of growth in addition to keeping their smartphone business afloat. Microsoft is positioning its new Lumia phones as part of a complete Windows device and services ecosystem. Sony relies on its successful image sensor and PlayStation businesses to offset losses from its mobile division. HTC is looking into wearables and virtual reality headsets, and BlackBerry has its enterprise security solutions to rely on. It is unclear how long Sony, HTC, and BB will manage to hold on to smartphone making before it stops making business sense to compete in the field.

"Underdog" vendors


U.S. Carriers

Market share breakdown

CarrierMarket share

In 2015, the Verizon and AT&T wireless duopoly is going strong, with the two carriers wielding 34% and 33% market share, respectively. T-Mobile and Sprint are behind with 16% each, and 1% goes to the noble US Cellular. In July this year, T-Mobile overtook the third spot from competitor Sprint, adding new subscribers every month with its its pro-consumer approach and aggressive pricing schemes. A report by Strategy Analytics, however, claims that no major shifts in market share among the top four carriers are expected between now and 2020.

In the meantime, T-Mo and Sprint will remain focused on reaching LTE network parity with Verizon and AT&T, aiming to grow share and address higher churn levels and margins. Citing a major study, Strategy Analytics added that at least 100 million new wireless connections will be made in the next 5 years, propelling the United States to a 128% mobile penetration rate. Despite that, the subscriber growth rate is slowing, which makes market share and retention rate competition between carriers more intense than ever. With these movements on the horizon, mobile service revenue is about to hit $197 billion annually by 2020.

Carrier subscribers


Verizon and AT&T's firm grip on the American wireless market is evident from the number of subscribers reached by the carriers during the third quarter of 2015. Verizon and AT&T serve around double the number of subscribers T-Mobile and Sprint have for themselves, and as we established early in the article, things are destined to remain much the same for the foreseeable future.

Perhaps more interesting are the analysis and forecasts carried out by agencies Strategy Analytics and Jackdaw Research. After many quarters of fairly strong year-on-year growth, the number of smartphones sold in Q3 2015 in the U.S. turned out to be very similar to the number sold a year ago during the same period. In other words, we have a stagnant market, and 2016 could very well turn out to bear the first year-on-year decline in global smartphone sales.

2015: A year in review

Despite their established presence and consistent market share, trends aren't consistent across carriers. Sprint and T-Mobile have grown their postpaid smartphone sales year-on-year, while Verizon's sales have stagnated, and AT&T's have actually fallen year-on-year.

These companies added just $1.2 billion in revenue year-on-year in Q3, down from almost twice that in the previous two quarters. This is due to a combination of factors, including the slowdown in phone growth, aggressive price competition, and the core part of the mobile market in the U.S. approaching saturation.

OS market share (U.S., Europe, Asia)

OSMarket share
Windows Phone2.47%

Throughout 2015, Android continued dominating the global smartphone market with a 52.61% share. Although Samsung, which is Android's primary growth engine, hasn't performed exactly as strong as it hoped with its flagship smartphones (S6 & S6 edge), the strong growth achieved by Chinese vendors Huawei, Xiaomi, and ZTE has managed to make up for that.

iOS's market share is a respectable 40.28%, with Apple enjoying strong sales and influence, thanks to consistent interest in the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, and their immediate successors.

The other two operating systems in wide circulation, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS, stand at 2.47% and 1.06%, respectively. Microsoft is currently in the process of revamping Windows for the era of device convergence and expects its new Lumia flagship smartphone to do a portion of the heavy lifting necessary to gain market share after a year of decline. As for BlackBerry, the small increase it enjoyed in regions such as Indonesia did little to offset its overall decline across the globe.

2015: A year in review

App store revenue

The state of app sales revenue mirrors that of the smartphone industry itself. Android phones sell the most, but iPhones make the most money! Similarly, Google Play (still leads over the App Store in terms of sheer downloads, but App Store revenues eclipse it. Talking in numbers, the Android marketplace's worldwide downloads have been 90% higher than the App Store's, while Apple's shop racks up 80% higher revenues.

According to App Annie's analytics, China has become Apple's most important market following the move to larger-screened iPhones. China has led all countries in terms of absolute growth in the third quarter of 2015, in terms of both iOS app downloads and revenue. Meanwhile, India and Southeast Asia provide download growth for Google Play.

Indeed, the Asian app economy impacts both Google Play and the App Store, but it pushes them in different directions - that is, more downloads for Android apps, and more revenue for iOS apps. While affluent Chinese customers seek iPhones for their perceived status, sub-$50 Android phones bring the people of India, Indonesia, and Vietnam online.

Where the number of apps available is concerned, the iOS App Store (2,023,688 apps) eclipses Google Play (1,828,463 apps). Both stores enjoy similar levels of developer activity, with the number of monthly app submissions in both being in the ballpark of 45,000 to 50,000 new apps.

2015: A year in review


There are a few key points to take away from this review. First, Apple and Samsung's dominance on the smartphone market is poised to continue for the foreseeable future, as it's nigh on impossible to fathom what could shake things up as far as to bring a seismic market shift that will rock these two out of the top. Much the same goes for the U.S. wireless carrier market, where Verizon and AT&T's current stronghold will remain in place for the next 5 years, at least. Despite being the world's most popular operating system, Android is still not the moneymaker everyone in the industry would like it to be — Apple takes the lion's share of smartphone and app sales' profits.

Difficult as it's been for smartphone makers and carriers, 2015 has been especially friendly to consumers. Quality hardware has become more affordable, with high-end smartphones now available at sub-$500 prices. Meanwhile, owning a smartphone has gotten cheaper too, as carriers have moved from subsidizing phones to selling them in monthly installment plans, together with more reasonably priced service plans.

Save for some underwhelming flagship smartphone announcements and the overall feeling that mobile innovation has peaked (instilled by the incremental hardware and operating system updates witnessed), we think 2015 has been a fine year for smartphone enthusiasts. We're now looking forward to what may turn out to be an even more exciting 2016 with its fair share of triumphs and disappointments!

Apple iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus rumor review: specs, features, release date, and everything we know so far....

Apple iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus rumor review: specs, features, release date, and everything we know so far

In 2016, Apple will most certainly treat us to the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, the next chapter in its smartphone history. Rumors about these devices were already floating around even before the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus were released, which is usually the case with anything related to Apple. That's rather normal considering that iPhones are usually the among the most popular devices on the market and are usually highly anticipated by users and everyone, actually. The device will likely feature fresh new design and certainly some additional horsepower under the hood, and hopefully, something fresh to woo us with! Without further ado, let's summarize all we know so far about next year's iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus champs. Have in mind that this post will be regularly updated with the latest leaks and rumors as they become available.


We hereby warn you - we have an ample amount of rumors below. In a nutshell, here are the most sound rumors about the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus:

  • Design: The iPhone 7 is bound to have a completely new design, rumored to be made of extremely strong new aluminum alloy or liquidmetal. It could be a waterproof device with Touch ID embedded into the display, and no 3.5mm audio jack.
  • Hardware: The device will most certainly arrive with a 16nm Apple A10 chipset, manufactured by TSMC. We expect 2GB of RAM for the iPhone 7, while the iPhone 7 Plus is said to sport 3GB.
  • Display: Display size and resolution are likely to remain the same; 3D Touch might score multi-touch support. AMOLED displays are highly unlikely at this point.
  • Camera: As Apple made quite the huge specs leap in 2015, we don't expect the iPhone 7 to sport a more megapixel-reich camera. This means that the device will likely arrive with a 12MP iSight camera at the back and a 5MP FaceTime snapper up front.
  • Release date and pricing: We are gearing for an early September 2016 announcement, while the actual release of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus will most likely take place in late September 2016.


Fresh new design

Apple iPhone 7 concept
Apple iPhone 7 concept
As you are probably aware, Apple has been keeping a strict 2-year window between the redesigns of its smartphones for a long time now. Thus, we have the iPhone 6s vastly similar to the iPhone 6, the iPhone 5s mostly alike with the iPhone 5, the iPhone 4s indistinguishable from the iPhone 4, and so on. This is why we are expecting Jony Ive & Co to spice things up in the design department a bit, while keeping the same unmistakable iPhone design language on board. 

While we don't know to what extent the iPhone 7 will shake things up in the design department, we are somewhat certain that the next iteration of the venerable iOS flagship won't stray away that much from the exterior looks of the 6/6s and 6 Plus/6s Plus. Still, this is a wild guess at best, and we will have to wait for the first leaks and renders of the iPhone 7 to pop up before we can say whether it will succeed the iPhone 6 in the design department or be something entirely different. 

Yes, we wouldn't mind it if Apple decided to come back to the 90-degree edges of the iPhone 5/5s era - in this day and age where most manufacturers are largely employing rounded frames, it would be a breath of fresh mountain air. Still, we will have to wait a bit before we get our first glimpse of iPhone 7/7Plus' looks. As far as build materials are concerned, Apple is most likely sticking with aluminum, and judging by the iPhone 6s, that'd be a member of the series 7000 aluminum, which are the strongest aluminum alloys around. There are a handful of theories about the next iPhone floating around:

Conceptual iPhone 7 render
No home button

We heard that the next crop of iPhones might come sans a home button. Instead, the new 3D Touch feature might be used to emulate the home button behavior. As far as the credibility of this rumor is concerned, we are skeptic that the iPhone 7 will be the one to ditch it, but who knows.

Touch ID embedded in the display

We might also have a Touch ID fingerprint scanner embedded inside the display, which falls in line with a certain patent application that we got hold of earlier in 2015. Well, seems to be entertaining the idea, so a display with an embedded fingerprint scanning functionality is neither too sci-fi or far-fetched. 

Waterproof iPhone 7?

What's more, it is also suggested that Cupertino might finally jump on the waterproofness train and make the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus watertight. This was somewhat suggested by the abundance of silicone seals and gaskets that make the current iPhone crop able to withstand a lengthy dunk in the water to some extent. Apart from physical evidence found in the 6s and 6s Plus, we also have a patent that allegedly reveals that Apple is entertaining the idea of making its devices resistant to the water element. The iPhone 7 might feature a technology that would seal the ports, thus blocking water or any other liquid from getting inside the phone, and consequently damaging its internals. 

USB-Type C port

We heard that Apple is reportedly testing five different prototypes of the iPhone 7, one of which is allegedly sporting a USB-Type C port. We are quite skeptical that this rumor will turn out to be true, as Apple is extremely unlikely to ditch its own Lightning standard for the USB-Type C one. This would be rather counter-intuitive and doesn't sound plausible to us at all.

Thinnest iPhone ever?

Cupertino is reportedly aiming poised to make its next devices roughly 6mm-thick. As a reminder, the iPhone 6 was 6.9mm thin, while the 6s clocks in at 7.1mm. One of the changes that might unlock the possibility for an even thinner iPhone 7 body is the alleged removal of the 3.5mm audio jack - the iPhone 7 is rumored to come without the universal connector and use a proprietary Lightning one in order to slim down some bulk. Reportedly, Apple wants to make the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus the thinnest iPhones ever.

Liquidmetal or a new custom aluminum alloy build

There's also a rumor claiming that the iPhone 7 could be made of liquidmetal and not aluminum. Liquidmetal is tougher and sturdier than aluminum with the same thickness, which is a win-win scenario no matter how you look at it. The nitty-gritty of liquidmetal is that it employs metal atoms of different sizes, which form a dense mix with low free volume. This results in an ultra-strong material that has extremely-high tensile strength, scratch and corrosion resistance, while remaining easily moldable. Fun fact: Liquidmetal is no stranger to Apple, as the SIM ejector that were bundled with some iPhone 3GS unit were made of liquidmetal as a part of a test. 

Can we say miniscule bezels?

Apart from thinner footprint, the next crop of iPhones might feature thinner bezels due to the alleged nixing of in-cell touch panels. Instead, Apple is rumored to use a vastly improved version of the well-known glass-on-glass technology. The use of liquidmetal might also pave the way for thinner bezels.

Sapphire display might finally become reality 

We were expecting the iPhone 6 to arrive with a tough sapphire display, but this did not happen. The iPhone 6s also did not get one, but meanwhile the Apple Watch was coated with sapphire. As a result, the rumor mill is once again claiming that the iPhone 7 will arrive with sapphire on board. Here's to hoping.

Inductive wireless charging? Count us in!

Wireless charging might also make the cut in 2016 - certain hearsays claim that the iPhone 7 might feature inductive wireless charging, similar to the one on the Apple Watch. Why have no previous iPhones arrived with wireless charging? Well, one of the reasons is that until mid-2015, inductive wireless charging could not transfer power through metal, but thanks to Qualcomm's WiPower technology, announced in late July, all metal handsets can score wireless charging. Qualcomm employed a new wireless charging standard, called Rezence.

Two camera units at the back?

Duo camera setup for the iPhone 7, with one regular snapper and the other one capturing depth information (like the one on the HTC One M8 and other devices)? We won't hold our breath for the time being. Until we get hold of a leaked image of the device's chassis, we will refrain from keeping our hopes high.

A flexible wrap-around display might be too sci-fi

Previously, Apple patented a device with a wrap-around display and the rumor mill was quick to jump to conclusions and claim that the iPhone 7 will feature such a design feature. Well, we are certainly skeptic about such a design innovation from Cupertino at this point, but nonetheless, renders of an iPhone with a display of that kind popped up. At this point, we are convinced that Apple won't release such a device in 2016.

image: http://i-cdn.phonearena.com/images/articles/221399-image/
Image comparison
image: http://i-cdn.phonearena.com/images/articles/221398-image/
Image comparison
A concept iPhone 7 with a wrap-around display, compared with Apple's patent application
And here are the major design rumors, ranked in terms of their likability to become reality:

1) Liquidmetal or custom aluminum alloy buildlikely
2) Touch ID embedded in the displaylikely
3) Waterproof (self-sealing ports, nano-coating)likely
4) thinnest iPhone everlikely
5) Sapphire displaylikely
6) Inductive wireless charginglikely
7) No 3.5mm audio jack on boardunlikely
8) Flexible wrap-around displayunlikely
9) USB-Type C portunlikely
10) Duo camera setupunlikely
11) No home buttonunlikely
12) AMOLED displayunlikely